Support us

Ways to give

Donate online: [link/button]

Bank transfer:
Account name – Whittington Health Charity
Account number – 04039403
Sort code – 30-00-02
Reference ‘MPC gift’, so that the charity knows where to direct it. If you would prefer to set up a direct debit or standing order, please email or call and we can help with that.

By phone: 0207 288 3402 (Whittington Health Charity)

By post: to give by cheque or CAF voucher, please make it payable to ‘Whittington Health Charity’. Download and complete a donation form [need a link to form – one on Whitt site??}, reference ‘The MPC gift’. Send the form and the cheque/voucher to: Fundraising office, Jenner Building, Magdala Avenue, London, N19 5NF

Managing your donations

All donations are administered on our behalf by the Whittington Health Charity who hold a restricted fund specifically for the Michael Palin Centre. This enables us to provide therapy services above and beyond what would otherwise be possible through the NHS.

Whittington Health Charity, Magdala Avenue London N19 5NF. Registered Charity Number 1056452

Remembering us in your will
It’s simple and quick to leave a legacy to The MPC in your will. It can make the world of difference.

We can help you write your will at no cost to you or the Charity. Please get in touch.

Support us

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to


Sometimes you just need someone to talk to

Our Helpline, 020 3316 8100, is open during office hours (9am-5pm) and voicemail messages can be left when the office is closed.

“This approach can be such an empowering experience for clients. I’m so keen to get using it!”


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I’m also happy for the Michael Palin Centre to call me occasionally about supporting the Centre’s work.
Charitable donations to the Michael Palin Centre are administered by The Whittington Health Charity, Registered Charity Number 1056452 For this purpose alone, The Whittington Health Charity will also hold your details. We take your privacy seriously and will never sell or swap your details with other third parties. You can withdraw your consent to be contacted at any time by calling 020 3316 8100 or by emailing [email protected] Information about how the Trust protects personal data is set out in our privacy policy.
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