Refer my child
Parents (and professionals) can refer directly to the MPC if they live in Camden or Islington (or are registered with a Camden or Islington GP); or if they live in Newham and their child is 7 years of age or older. If your child requires therapy that will take place at the MPC.
The Michael Palin Centre has an agreement with Camden and Islington (for children and young people of all ages and also adults), and with Newham (for children from 7;0 to 18;11 years old). This means we can see your child for assessment and for therapy if required. If you live in one of these boroughs, or your GP is in one of these boroughs, you can refer to the MPC.
We will see your child for an assessment, followed by meeting with parent(s). If your child needs therapy this will be available too.
When it is time for your child’s assessment, we aim to give you two months’ notice of an appointment and typically phone you to book dates. Your child’s assessment lasts about two hours, and your parent session (which often takes place the following week) lasts three to four hours. If you require an interpreter this will be arranged too.
Feedback about your child’s assessment will be given to you and recommendations made. A clinical report will also be written as a summary of what happened on the day. Your family can choose to attend in person or via telehealth.