Training courses

Clinical supervision at the MPC

We provide clinical supervision to qualified speech and language therapists in for their work with children, young people or adults who stammer or clutter. Contact us if you want to arrange supervision, either face-to-face at the Centre or remotely.

An opportunity to:

  • discuss clinical queries in a supportive setting
  • develop clinical problem solving skills
  • reflect on clinical work and develop your skills

Cost (individual or group): £100 per hour

Hours available: Mon-Fri (9am-5pm)

In person or remote available

Frequency: as requested

To arrange clinical supervision, submit the application form found here or download the form below:

If you have any questions about supervision, please email MPC Training


How will supervision help me?

Supervision creates an opportunity for clinicians to reflect on specific clinical questions or issues. This can be related to specific areas of skills, broad themes, potential directions in therapy, issues arising in therapy or clinical decision making.

Do I need to commit to a certain number of sessions?

No. Everyone needs different things and arrangements can be made to suit what you particularly want. This can range from 1-2 sessions to a year’s programme of supervision. It can be for you on your own or with a group of colleagues.

Can I have supervision remotely?

Yes, as long as you have a confidential space in which to work.

How much does it cost?
  • Fee: £100 per hour
  • This can be shared when 2 people are willing to share the supervision time and feel that they would learn from each other’s case work.
Training courses

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to


Sometimes you just need someone to talk to

Our Helpline, 020 3316 8100, is open during office hours (9am-5pm) and voicemail messages can be left when the office is closed.

“I know who to talk to if I need more help.”


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I’m also happy for the Michael Palin Centre to call me occasionally about supporting the Centre’s work.
Charitable donations to the Michael Palin Centre are administered by The Whittington Health Charity, Registered Charity Number 1056452 For this purpose alone, The Whittington Health Charity will also hold your details. We take your privacy seriously and will never sell or swap your details with other third parties. You can withdraw your consent to be contacted at any time by calling 020 3316 8100 or by emailing [email protected] Information about how the Trust protects personal data is set out in our privacy policy.
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