Courses at the MPC

Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with children and young people who stammer (November 2025)

November 27, 2025 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Zoom

Please note: this training is online via Zoom.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) aims to help people to live better by increasing how flexibly they respond to difficulty. This one day workshop will explore ways in which ACT can be applied to working with children and young people who stammer.

Clinical examples will be from work with children and young people who stammer however ACT is equally relevant for clinicians working with children, young people or parents where communication challenges result in struggle, avoidance, anxiety, worry or self-critical thinking, loss of confidence and self-esteem, or unhelpful ways of responding to events. The workshop is suitable for therapists who are developing their skills in the field of stammering, as well as those who wish to build on their experience of using standard CBT or other psychological approaches. The workshop will combine theory with practice and provide ideas and practical activities to take away and use.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course participants will be familiar with:

  • ACT theory with a focus on the three pillars model.
  • How and when ACT can be helpful for clients who stammer.
  • Ways to start integrating ACT into work with clients who stammer including:
    • Being flexible with how to talk about responding to difficult thoughts and feelings with clients
    • Specific ACT activities to use in sessions

Who is this course suitable for?

Qualified Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) and student SLTs close to qualification.


If you would like to pay for your course by invoice an administration fee of £20 per person will be added to the course fee. Please add this additional £20 onto your form when you select to pay by invoice e.g. cost of course: £165.00.

Ticket Type Price Cart
Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with children and young people who stammer £145
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Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with children and young people who stammer (invoice payment) £165

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