

Welcome to the Michael Palin Centre, an internationally-renowned centre of excellence for stammering and cluttering, for children, young people and adults. We are a team of highly-skilled therapists and support staff offering a nationwide and international service (NHS and private).

*REFERRALS MADE FROM 17.1.24 – 24.1.24* Please note that we have had an issue with our referral system meaning that we have not been able to retrieve any referrals made between 17th- 24th January 2024. If you made a referral in this timeframe and have not yet heard from us please either re-refer or contact us on 020 33168100 or via [email protected] so that we can discuss this with you and check our referral records. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Do you want to know about

The Michael Palin Centre (MPC) is supported by Whittington Health NHS Trust, Action for Stammering Children and the Stuttering Foundation.

The MPC would like to thank the Stuttering Foundation for funding the development of this website.


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I’m also happy for the Michael Palin Centre to call me occasionally about supporting the Centre’s work.
Charitable donations to the Michael Palin Centre are administered by The Whittington Health Charity, Registered Charity Number 1056452 www.whittingtonhealthcharity.org. For this purpose alone, The Whittington Health Charity will also hold your details. We take your privacy seriously and will never sell or swap your details with other third parties. You can withdraw your consent to be contacted at any time by calling 020 3316 8100 or by emailing [email protected] Information about how the Trust protects personal data is set out in our privacy policy.
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