Top tips from the MPC
Our young people’s summer group last year say: “you’re not alone”, “it’s ok to stammer” and “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Do you want to know more about the ideas that come up in our therapy groups? You’ll probably spot some things that you already do (or do a bit, sometimes) and you might find something new that sounds useful. Whatever you are doing, give yourself a pat on the back for having a go and check out how to get referred to the MPC if you want more help from us.
- Remember that people who stammer, as a rule, are slightly less efficient at the motor movements involved in speaking?
- See if you can ‘go down a gear’ and experiment with whether that helps.
- You might find that it takes the pressure off your speech motor system and also gives you more time to think.
- Watch famous people who give public speeches. They often talk quite slowly and use lots of pauses. It actually makes people listen more to what you say!
- A natural reaction is to push harder when you stammer but this increases tension.
- Try not pushing and see what happens – does the word come out more easily?
- Do you start worrying about what might happen if you stammer?
- Our minds are not always our friends – sometimes they set us up to get nervous even before we go into a situation.
- Try to imagine your thoughts as traffic going down the road. See if you can step back and watch them go by rather than get caught up in them. What difference does this make?
- Is it tempting to stay quiet or choose different words?
- This might feel like a relief in the moment (it gets you off the hook) but maybe it’s not how you ultimately want to handle things.
- Instead try saying what you want to say and speaking up when you want to, regardless of whether you stammer or not.
- Think of this as making a ‘towards move’ – doing something that helps you move towards being the person you want to be.
- Do you go over things in your mind afterwards – maybe for longer than is helpful?
- Do you give yourself a hard time when you think back over things?
- Try training your brain to notice the things you’re pleased with or that have gone well. Keep a “pleased to notice” diary where you write down one thing a day.
- Researchers have found that adolescents (and adults) have greater psychological wellbeing when they practice being kind to themselves.
- Give something a go that takes courage and give yourself a mental pat on the back.
- Take small steps.

- Communicating is about more than speaking fluently.
- Notice the skills that other people use when they are commuicating.
- What do you already do well?
- What would you like to work a bit more at? For example, if you look away when you stammer can you try looking at people a bit more? How does this help you look more confident?
- If you buy in to the idea that you have to be fluent this puts you under more pressure.
- Another option is to explore the idea of letting yourself stammer and being ok with it.
- This can be liberating!
- Find the balance that is right for you between stammering less and deciding that it’s ok to stammer.
If you are having a hard time because of your stammer talk to someone

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